The AWS D17.1:2024 standard for fusion welding in aerospace has been revised, addressing critical welding guidelines for both flight and non-flight hardware. Updates include clearer distinctions between welding procedures and welder qualifications, additional figures for qualification coupons, and a new clause for crewed spaceflight hardware. The changes aim to improve clarity and precision in aerospace welding practices, vital for the industry's high standards.

Airbus A380 airplane
Photo by Daniel Eledut / Unsplash

AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2024 is the fourth edition of the aerospace fusion welding specification, and it has undergone the following significant changes from the 2017 version:

  • The criteria for welding procedure and welder qualification in Clause 5, “Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification,” were separated for clarity and to prevent mixing of elements. To meet this need, Tables 5.1 through 5.7 were reworked for better organization and to isolate each of the requirements to a single element.
  • For qualification coupon configuration, figures were added to integrate the criteria more completely within the D17.1 specification; allowing for more independence from the external documents such as AWS B2.1.
  • For Non-Flight Hardware in Clause 9, the criteria for fluid service inspection was diverted to ASME B31.3.
  • New Clause 10, “Crewed Spaceflight Hardware,” was added.

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AWS D17.1:2024 - Fusion Welding for Aerospace Applications - ANSI Blog
AWS D17.1:2024 details specifications for fusion welding for aerospace applications. Purchase the standard pdf and learn its changes here.